Friday, August 5, 2011

30 Days About Me. Day 4: Favorite Book

I love a lot of books. Seriously. Books are one of those things I either LOVE and it makes my list of faves or I don't like it at all and don't finish reading it. There really is no in between for me.

Buuuuut..with that said, if I HAVE to pick a favorite I have to say the Harry Potter series. I admit it. I'm pretty much obsessed with all things Harry Potter. I'm the nerd who attends the late night party at B&N for the new book release, goes to see every movie at midnight the night it comes out, makes HP references whenever possible, and celebrates Harry's birthday. In fact, this year for Harry's birthday a couple of friends and I celebrated by going to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Islands of Adventure in Orlando. Our day consisted of lots of butterbeer, shopping in diagon alley, and a Hungarian Horntail. I was like a kid in a candy store. Jumping up and down, screaming like a school girl. Nerdy? Perhaps. But it definitely ranks in the top 5 of BEST DAYS EVER. Evereverever.

making a mess with butterbeer :p

Hog's Head pub
photo credit: Jennifer Smith
We are both in "Muggle denial"

But the best thing? I've converted the Noodle to a Harry Potter fan! My motherhood duty is now complete. *sigh*
Noodle & Hedwig

The Mrs.

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